Friday, January 27, 2012

Week Four Quotes


President Clinton Quote: “We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs.”

In an article by Marcy Whitebook entitled No Single Ingredient she states, “a review of evidence for both K-12 and ECE reveals three key ingredients that contribute to effective teaching across all age spans: first preparation matters, second support matters, and third reward matters,” (2010).


Louise Derman-Sparks (her passion)

“To make sure all children were taught in environments and ways that truly nurture their ability to grow and development to their fullest potential.”

Leticia Lara

“My passion has been evolving through the years. It’s an ongoing process.”

I like these two statements because I too want to help children grow to their fullest potential. I also want to continue to grow in my filed and keep the passion brewing.

Josie Zbaeren

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Picture for Web: My girls and my nephews! :)

Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web:

1. My number one support was and is my mom Jo McDaniel. She has always been there for me. She was involved in my education, she supported me as a dancer, and she attended all the events in my life. My mom taught me to respect others and myself. She put her family first always! She is a continued support as a fabulous grandma and my closest friend.

2. My dad, Jim McDaniel, was also a huge supporter of mine. I was the only girl in the family and my dad made me feel special by setting time aside just for me. He always picked out a special birthday gift for me on his own each year. I loved listening to his Elvis records in the morning and dancing around with him. He was a great leader of our family and lead by example. My dad died when I was 26 and I miss him greatly!

3 & 4. My grandparents Harris and Darylene Raleigh were my 3rd and 4th supports. My grandma took care of me after school when my mom worked, took me to dance class and was involved in my life on a daily basis. My grandparents took my two brothers and I on vacation in the summers to visit my mom’s sister. We would fly clear across the country with them and loved every minute with them. My grandfather died in 1992 and my grandmother 11 years later.

5. My brothers were also big supports. Although we had some sibling rivalry issues we always had each other’s backs. My brothers made me feel special by attending all of my recitals or events growing up. They would take me places, help me when I needed it and give me sound advice. They continue to be supports because they are supportive of me as an adult. Our families are close and our children love each other. We have family dinners, spend holidays together and support each other through life’s ups and downs. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Way I Feel

The Way I FeelI like this book because it is a fun and easy way to talk to children about feelings. If you read it with a lot of emotions they will make facial expressions to copy the words. They talk about what scares them, what makes them happy or angry or proud.

Quote by: John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Learning to Blog

I have set up my blog and I am hoping I find my way back to it.