The second agency I looked at was Children’s Home Society. CHS was started in 1895 and has grown over time. They first began by serving orphans. They later worked with troubled children. Today they pride themselves in serving families in many different ways including therapeutic counseling, home visiting, early childhood education (Head Start), as well as offering services in adoption and child advocacy (CHS, 2012). There were 8 job openings for King County and zero for my county or the county closest to me. The jobs ranged from Early Head Start teacher, to home visitor, to assistant grant writer. I would like to get some experience in writing grants however the pay for this particular job was very low. I meet all qualifications for the jobs I was interested in. I have experience and education in early childhood education, home visiting experience, I have worked under the Even Start grant and I have taught parenting classes.
The third place I looked was the Department of Social and Health Services. The reason I chose them is because I think connecting to services such DSHS or Child Protective Services gives early educators the opportunity for professional development. They often have classes that can help provider’s better serve children. They also have all the information I would need to understand who would qualify for state paid pre-kindergarten or who would not according to family income. Also my undergraduate degree is in psychology / child development. I would be a match for some jobs. The jobs that interested me were Social Service Specialist I or II. They pay well and their duties include serving children and families. I would of course need my degrees, be willing to complete training and internship.
Josie Zbaeren
Children’s Home Society (2012). Children’s home society from Washington. Retrieved from
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (2013). State of Washington office of
superintendent of public instruction. Retrieved from
Washington State’s Department of Social and Health Services (2103). Retrieved from