Thursday, June 20, 2013

•At least three deeply felt learning’s from this program

 I have learned so much as a student at Walden University that it seems awkward to narrow the experience down to three learning experiences. The first experience I would like to share is how confident I am as an adult educator because of my experience at Walden. The tools I have learned I will carry with me for a life time. I have learned more about eLearning, classroom management, effective teaching strategies and so much more.  I have confidence is my abilities to lead others in the field of early childhood education. I am thankful for the experience.

The second learning experience that has made a difference in my life is learning to recognize my biases. I think gaining a better understanding of why I am who I am and how I treat others is a powerful, growing experience. I love working with families from different cultures and backgrounds however before gaining a higher education I was probably more critical than I am now. I have learned the importance of acceptance. I have learned that I can keep my belief systems and still have an open mind. I now know how to incorporate all families into the classroom learning experience. I see the importance of everyone feeling accepted and seeing themselves in the early education classroom as well as the adult classrooms. Again, I feel blessed to have learned such valuable information.

The third eye-opener for me was exploring education across the country and world. Before my experience at Walden I had not looked beyond my own state or surrounding states. Now I have had the honor of researching programs across the country and worldwide. I have learned from programs that serve the needy, the homeless and disaster victims. My eyes were opened up to see how much early childhood cares about children and families beyond the classroom. The differences we can make are unbelievable.

At least one long-term goal

One long term goal I have is to complete my Capstone project. I would like for all four year old children in Kelso-Longview to have access to high quality pre-kindergarten. When I chose the challenge I wanted to choose something I felt strongly about. I feel it is very important for children to get the right start in their education. I hope to see this come true in my area soon. The second long-term goal I have is to make it through my tenure process at Lower Columbia College. I was hired in January as full time ECE faculty. The process for tenure takes three years. I chose this as my long term goal because without my education at Walden I would not have the opportunity to be faculty. I love my job and I hope three years from now I can say the job is mine forever. The third long-term goal I have is to visit a needy area and support children and families. I am not sure where or when or even how. I will continue to pray about it and when God is ready to use me to help others in a bigger way he will let me know.

•A farewell message to your Instructor and colleagues
 I would like to thank everyone for their support over the quarters. I have truly enjoyed my experience at Walden. I have learned from the ups and downs. I have loved learning from the professors and the students. Thank you for the effort and hard work all of you have done to increase my learning experiences. I wish all of you the best of luck now and in the future.

Josie Zbaeren


  1. Josie, I enjoyed reading your post and learning with you this quarter. When I pondered what i have learned through this experience I too found it hard to narrow it down to just 3 things. Like you, I feel my confidence has deepened and that by recognizing my biases I am a better person and educator.
    I wish you the best in all you do and I am sure you will be a successful in completing your Capstone project.
    Best wishes, Jill

  2. Hi Josie,

    Congratulations on finishing!

    I think it is wonderful that you hope to complete your capstone as a true goal. I am hoping there are more of us who have suggested the same. Let's make a difference!

    You mentioned that examining your own biases was something you learned about and has been important to you, and I couldn't agree more. With each post I read, I find myself saying, "oh, I could have included that too" and it is as you stated: there are so many pieces of value, that you just don't know where to start!

    I'm glad this has been such a positive experience for you, and I thank you for your contributions in the discussion and blog forum.

    I wish you all the best, and hope to see you in January!

  3. Hello Josie,
    Thank you for your support. I had not seen your name in any of my courses but now I am so proud to have you as a colleague. You can visit my facebook ( I will not be a stranger to facebook now that this class is over) by my first and last name. I gather you are from upstate Washington. I truly hope you make tenure, you have all the support in this world and if you need to know about Autism or rare childhood diseases, I am the one. This was an experience that I thought would be truly difficult because of not seeing faces, just seeing type. But, the journey has been really short and I hope to see you as a professor and advocating for young children all over the globe. Have a great year and enjoy your professorship.

  4. Josie,
    Thank you for all your support through our courses together. You have added much to my learning and deepened my thoughts on many subjects. Best wishes in your long term goals. I know you will accomplish great things in the ECE world. Keep in touch. I too am on facebook or

    Hope to see you at graduation in January!

  5. Josie!!!!

    Awesome post. Thanks for walking this journey with me and for your feedback!!! I am going to get in contact with you very soon. I have also shared my contact information on my blog so feel free to take gander! But you took the words right out of my mouth about learning our biases. I must say that I have learned mine as well during this program; and I agree with your statement. We can keep our believe system and have an open mind at the same time. I am looking forward to speaking with you in the near future. Until then! TTYS! God bless...

  6. YOu have clearly articulated what we have learned in the past two years. I am hopeful that you are able to conquer your dreams and hopes. I am truly in awe of all that we have accomplished in the past two years. Congratulations.
