Saturday, January 12, 2013

Effective Communicator

The person in my life that is an effective communicator is my Pastor.  The behaviors that make him an effective communicator are he speaks with emotion, confidence, and is appropriately animated (not too much and not too little). He makes eye contact with the listeners. He stands with a presence. He is knowledgeable and compassionate. He can use humor to keep everyone’s interest. He speaks clearly in a group or one to one. His communication follows this principle, "advocates truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of the communication," (O'Hair & Wieman, 2009, pg.15).

I would like to be half the teacher he is. I want others when I teach at the community college to believe me, trust what I am saying is truthful and useful, and I want to do it in a way that brings them joy as my Pastor does every Sunday and every other time he speaks to his congregation.

Josie Zbaeren  


  1. Josie,

    It is great that your Pastor has these communication skills. My old Pastor was the same way, it wasn't like he was preaching at you but teaching to you. I am glad that you are inspired to be like him and hope that you reach that goal. Thank you for sharing.


  2. I enjoyed reading your post. I like that you pointed out that your pastor uses humor to keep people interested. No matter how important the message, no one will hear it if they are not interested in what you are saying.

  3. Hi Josie,

    It is amazing that you have someone as special as your pastor to be a person that you can look up to and learn from. It is important to have people in your life outside of work and your family that you can rely on and trust.

    Great post!
