Thursday, September 13, 2012

Personal Research Journey


I chose the topic of parental sensitivity and infant-father attachment. I chose this topic because I am interested in knowing the difference between infant-mother attachment and infant-father attachment. I want to know what is already known about infant-father attachment and how it has changed over the years. More dads are staying home with their children than ever before. I want to know what the benefits are, if any.


I know I loved my dad so very much. I also know that my daughters are very close with their dad and I feel it has made a world of difference in who they are. They are great girls that feel good about whom they are, that are confident, passionate, loving, and that follow their instincts. Did a secure attachment with their parents (dad) aid in their development?


My personal experience honestly is a lot of questioning myself. I love what I am learning however I am concerned about processing everything correctly. The hardest class I took for my undergraduate degree was statistics and this class gives me the same anxiety.


I think all of the information is useful. I think it is important for us to be able to read scholarly research and make sense out of it. The guide to reading research is a lifesaver!

I will take any advice my classmates can give me. Please send me some wisdom! :)




  1. Hi Josie

    Our chosen area of research is definitely a timely one, as the family unit continues to evolve. The father-child relationship has many variations in society today, and a father's involvement is no longer defined by society's expectations. I think part of the variation is due to cultural, generational and individual differences. This is an area of research that will be constantly changing and will need to be updated regularly.


  2. Cyber High Five. I understand the anxiety. I too have been freaking out over this course. and I loathed Statistics - it was the only bad grade [a D] in college and it pulled down my gpa forever. ANWYAYS...
    Fathers are important to children boys and girls. I have a book called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker. I have read about the importance of fathers all through college. it is such a cool topic but it can also be upsetting knowing that it isn't always the reality.

  3. Hello,

    I too agree that this class is going to give some of us anxiety and make us worry but if we stay on top of our work then we are going to be okay! I think the most important thing to do is to focus on one thing at a time. It seemed as if you picked a great topic which can relate to you personally and professionally. I am interesting to see what you find in your resarch! Happy researching & best of luck!

  4. hello Josie,

    Our topics are similar. I wanted to look at the influence of parents on a child's life. I will look forward to your updates on a father's influence. If I can be of help just let me know.

  5. Hi Josie,

    What an interesting topic, I love it. You are right many dads more than ever are taking care of their infant and have become the primary caregiver. I am looking forward to the outcomes of your research.
